Install the InSitu software

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Before you start installing the Insitu software, make sure that your computer has enough disk space (see fig.1c below, a line at the bottom indicates how much space you need) and that your Windows operating system is one of the following: Windows 8 or Windows 10 64-bit. InSitu works with Microsoft Office 32 bits.

Once you have started running the installation file, this window will pop up after a few moments.


Choose the language for the assistant and click on OK button.

To launch the installation assistant, click on Next.

Read through the terms and conditions of the License Agreement, click on I accept the agreement, and then press Next to go to the following step.


A Destination Location window will pop up, specify the folder you want InSitu to be installed in.

Click on the Next button or press on Enter on your keyboard.

Choose the Start menu folder, click on Next or press on Enter on your keyboard.

Installer3ENG.png Installer4ENG.png

Check the Create a desktop shortcut box if you wish to add an InSitu shortcut to your workstation. Make sure that the Activate Eco-participations box is checked.

Click on the Next button or press on Enter on your keyboard.

Double check the installation information and then press on Install.

Installer5ENG.png Installer6ENG.png

The extraction of files will begin and must be finished in its entirety.


LogoInfo.png In order to finalise the installation of InSitu, you must contact our technical support by dialing 01 47 41 89 90 (choose 1) so that you can activate either an annual license or a temporary one.


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