Setting up pricing options

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Setting up pricing options

To set up the pricing view, click on Setup | Pricing | Options.


In the "Pricing options" window that pops up, you can choose various display modes for the pricing view.

In the pricing table, short descriptions or long descriptions and the price including tax or excluding tax with decimals can appear. It is also possible to add a row discount line and/or a points and eco-participation column.

The margins table can be displayed with a sale coefficient including or excluding tax.

The status bar (grey bar at the bottom of the software) can display the total price, the margin, the coefficient and the difference, allowing the user to more easily find their way through their business proposals

The calculation of the margin can be done without including the services (sections: Work, Delivery and Placement)

The pricing table can display additional columns, such as the row discount column, the points column, the volume column and the weight column.

You can decide to price the furniture eco-participation and the household appliance eco-participation (WEEE) or not.


i Legibility in the pricing table is achieved thanks to alternating colours. A "parent" article and its components are in the same colour.

Set up

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